Thursday, July 30, 2009

You Don't Have To Ride Alone

I was filling up with gas when he first approached me. He was riding a new Triumph, red shiny, no fade marks on the leather bags and few if any bugs to be seen on the windshield.
From under his helmet I was greeted by a gray well trimmed beard framing the full face of an ordinary looking guy. I would guess the needle on his speedometer of life was pointing just past the 50 mark.

He told me he lived one town over, loved his bike but had no one to ride with. I felt sorry for him but at this point in my life I can't find enough time to ride with my current list of friends.
Too suggest we could become riding buddies would turn into a cruel and disappointing lie, so I kept my mouth shut. Still there was a pang of regret in my heart as I watched him ride off. Life at times is a very lonely road and there have been a few times I have put on many a mile heading down that trail.
To the casual observer biking can look like a rather solitary activity but nothing is further from the truth. For 99% of us biking is a very social activity.
As I like to tell people: "We ride alone but we travel together."

A trip with the guys is a great social adventure. We stop too look in shops, explore the occasional museum, or sit on the porch with a cold soda and chat up a few of the locals.

We visit with excitement over breakfast as we map out our day and by the time we settle in for dinner a few hundred miles down the road, there is a lot to talk about.

When the bikes are parked for the night with keys pocketed, we usually put up our boots and relax over a few beer. Even the local bikers tend to haunt the same coffee shops and bars, hanging out together dreaming about hitting the open road. Biking is definitely a social sport.
Still there are many guys like my friend on the Triumph. He probably dreamed most of his life of the thrill of owning a motorcycle. He finally goes out and buys one, only to realize he has no one to ride with. He'll spend a season or two going around town from nowhere to nowhere. After this sad experience he will park his bike in the garage and forget about it. Another two years go by and he decides to park it on the front lawn and tape a for sale sign to the windshield. Shoot I knew I should have gotten his phone #, what was I thinking, I would love to own a Triumph.
Sad truth, there is no reason for him or anyone else needs to ride alone.
I jumped on the Internet and punched in motorcycle riding clubs plus a (location) and up popped an obscene number of hits. I repeated the process for, Florida, Arizona, California, Washington state and even Alberta Canada. I don't care where you call home there are many fine Motorcycle Clubs (MC) for you to check out.

Some clubs are fairly specific such as the red Knights and the Widows Sons.

The Red Knights are a fraternity of people who work or have worked in the area of fire fighting or fire prevention. The club is international in size with members everywhere. They have their own news letter and offer many charity rides and other social events.
I ride with the Widows Sons also an international organization similar to the Red Knights. Any guy interested is most welcome to check out our fraternity of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons. However you must first become a Free Mason of a recognized Masonic Lodge before you can qualify for riding membership in the Widows Sons.
No reason to be discouraged if either of theses two don't suit you. There are hundreds of other clubs many who draw members from a much broader base of riders. One of my favorites is the Retreads MC.
The Retreads are international, well organized and a very active club. Even in the remote corner of planet earth known as Edmonton Alberta Canada, Retreads offer 5 different locations to meet for coffee on different nights every single week. Not hard to hook up and ride with them, only requirement I know of, you need to be 40 or older.

Harley Davidson has HOG (Harley Owners Group) a large association which not only offers opportunities to ride, but members qualify for discounts at select hotel and restaurant chains.
If you are among the small percentage of humans smart enough to abstain from alcohol (for whatever reason) then I suggest you check out the AA Motorcycle Group. I know many guys in the Bill W program and believe me they are among the greatest and most fun guys I have ever had the pleasure of hanging with. Just type in AA motorcycle club in your computer, these guys are every where.

If you are so inclined type in the word Christan and your computer may have a melt down from all the hits you'll get. In Jerusalem Jesus rode a donkey but in North America I am sure he would have ridden into town on a bike. Just type in Christan Motorcycle Club, these guys are every where.

Are you a lonely female looking for other women to ride with? No problem there are several all women MC's. Check out Free Wheeling (Canada) or try Women on Wheels in the USA
Most of the clubs you will find listed keep their own websites. Members keep in touch via bulletin boards and e mails. Your club will organize many rides and social events throughout the year not just during riding season. This is important because in many northern states and Canada the actual riding season is pitifully short.
If you want someone to ride with, you have a lot of options to choose from. Just jump on the Internet and type in motorcycle clubs followed by your general location.

Before you know it you'll be hooked up with many people just like yourself, people who love

Riding Iron.

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